Monday, September 9, 2013

Meet WOW Member, Ruby Diaz!

Ruby Diaz is the director of the activities committee for Women ofWater.  She has been with MWH Engineers for 8 years as a civil and environmental engineer.

As a civil and environmental engineer, Ruby works with water in several ways.  Her main work involves the selection, layout, and mechanical design of waste water treatment plants.  “I love my job mainly because all the projects are different,” she says.  “I learn and increase my knowledge with every new assignment.  I get to work with very talented people from whom I always learn something.”

The work that Ruby does allows her to have a better understanding of the impact our daily activities have on our water resources.  If she could make a change in the water industry, Ruby would start with establishing more controls on the “Fracking” industry.

Ruby’s encouragement to women coming into the water industry: “It is possible to develop the professional side in conjunction with the personal side!  For those that are moms, we can be moms and still have a career.”

Being a part of Women of Water is important to Ruby because it is an opportunity to promote networking with women with similar interests and occupations.

Ruby’s favorite water spot: Utah’s wetlands. “I enjoy all the wetland areas where you can see birds that stop by the wetlands to breed or just stopover and continue their journey.”

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