Meet Jen Robinson!
Jen works with Utah’s Division of Water Quality. She’s been with DWQ since 2002; working in the UPDES section.
Her main duties include writing permits and ensuring compliance within industrial and municipal facilities. “I oversee the pretreatment program which is implemented, mostly, by municipal discharges which ensures that industrial dischargers are permitted and meeting the regulations to discharge to the municipal system.”
Water represents fun memories for Jen. “Water has been in my life since I can remember. Some of my early memories are of family trips to Lake Powell, trips with my cousins to Flaming Gorge and trips with friends to many reservoirs in Utah, the flooding in the 80’s, and seeing the pumps at the GSL was quite impressive near the time that they were constructed.”
It isn’t all fun and games in the water business for Jen. The program she’s responsible for has its challenges. “Pretreatment (is challenging) as it has many interesting and complex aspects to regulating many different, and at times, unique industrial users.”
And that’s why being a Women of Water member is important. To Jen, WoW offers a chance to network and share information with others regarding water and to share that knowledge with the next generations.
Jen’s advice to upcoming women in the water business: “Find others in your area of water and glean information from them.”
Family time around water is something that Jen has incorporated into her daily life. “I have to say that my family and I love water,” she says. “Whether it is a pool at our gym or going to the Clearfield Aquatic Center, trips out to the GSL or Bear Lake or a bike ride to play in the Weber River, water is something that we enjoy on a regular basis.”
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